Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"I'm Bored."

I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer, really I feel like saying what summer? The count down to school starting is even more of a presence since in just a few weeks on meet the teacher night at my daughters school Service Beans will launch. I have enjoyed being on the PTO and it's inspiring to see how hard these people work to make the school better. It really is all about the kids for them. When I start to feel overwhelmed with the "to-do" list for Service Beans or anything else I am doing I have to take a step back and remind myself why I am doing it and it puts everything back into perspective. I put together a short list of some of my favorite inspiration sources. I hope you will take some time to follow these links and be inspired. Start a service board on Pinterest, pin them if you can't look at them all now. Maybe let your kids take a look at the sites put it on them to figure out a way for your family to serve using these sites as inspiration. Next time you hear the word bored come out of their cute little mouths set them to work on planning a service project for your family. I broke the sites down into 3 categories...

I have more time then money right now...

I love Sevenly :) The idea is genius! Get cute clothes, support a cause, it's a win win!

I have time to listen...

Pay It Forward Radio hosted by Kathy Bacon out of Denver. Maybe you don't feel like reading to get inspired or need something to listen to in the car or while you clean house? Here ya go! It's really a great way to see how their are many people trying to make a difference in the world with what ever resources they have.

I need doable ideas and I need them now!

Secret "Service" Agent Birthday Party

Pennies of Time. Sheila and her boys do much service, she really presents service in fun and doable ways. She also just put together a post with lots of great links to sites like ours.

Please share your ideas or sites you consider your "go to" for inspiration.

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